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Is Web Scraping Legal in Brazil?

Web scraping is legal in Brazil and the usual web scraping laws and regulations that apply to most countries apply to Brazil as well: scraping of public or personal data is legal, but scraping of private or copyrighted data can be illegal.

Prohibits the reproduction, distribution, and communication of copyrighted works without the permission of the copyright holder. If a website owner has not given permission to scrape their website, this act might be considered a violation of copyright law. Web scraping falls under reproduction so scraping clearly copyrighted data should be avoided.

Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD)

This law came into effect in 2020, it regulates the collection, storage, and use of personal data. This means that web scraping that involves the collection of personal data would have to comply with this law, which includes obtaining consent from individuals whose data is being collected, and ensuring that the data is being used for a lawful purpose.

This law is very similar to EU's GDPR and US' CCPA, and it doesn't mean personal data can't be scraped, but it can impose certain restrictions on how it can be used or stored.

Notable Cases

There are no prominent public cases that relate to web scraping but new LGPD law could affect data and web scraping businesses but it's still to early to say.

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