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1,737 3 8 Apache-2.0
0.8.5 (6 Sep 2022) Oct 17 2018 477 (month)

Ruia is an async web scraping micro-framework, written with asyncio and aiohttp, aims to make crawling url as convenient as possible.

Ruia is inspired by scrapy however instead of Twisted it's based entirely on asyncio and aiohttp.

It also supports various features like cookies, headers, and proxy, which makes it very useful in dealing with complex web scraping tasks.

Example Use

#!/usr/bin/env python
 pip install aiofiles
import aiofiles

from ruia import AttrField, Item, Spider, TextField

class HackerNewsItem(Item):
    target_item = TextField(css_select="tr.athing")
    title = TextField(css_select="a.storylink")
    url = AttrField(css_select="a.storylink", attr="href")

    async def clean_title(self, value):
        return value.strip()

class HackerNewsSpider(Spider):
    start_urls = [
    concurrency = 10
    # aiohttp_kwargs = {"proxy": ""}

    async def parse(self, response):
        async for item in HackerNewsItem.get_items(html=await response.text()):
            yield item

    async def process_item(self, item: HackerNewsItem):
        async with"./hacker_news.txt", "a") as f:
            await f.write(str(item.title) + "\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Alternatives / Similar

51,636 2.11.2 (2 months ago) Jul 26 2019 compare
2,884 1.4.3 (9 months ago) Sep 04 2013 compare
6,060 1.1.14 (1 year, 11 months ago) Jul 26 2019 compare
3,048 1.5.0 (5 months ago) Sep 30 2018 compare
240 1.33.0 (4 months ago) Feb 05 2023 compare
3,257 0.9.13 (11 months ago) Jul 04 2017 compare
10,672 1.1.9 (5 years ago) Aug 24 2018 compare
413 0.1.3 (11 months ago) Feb 20 2022 compare

Other Languages

22,459 v2.1.0 (4 years ago) May 14 2018 compare
7,554 v1.3.4 (4 years ago) Feb 15 2020 compare
2,488 2024-05-09 (2 months ago) Jun 06 2019 compare
651 2024-06-25 (20 days ago) Feb 09 2017 compare
1,485 1.0.4 (1 year, 10 months ago) Nov 22 2014 compare
5,663 v0.18.0 (1 year, 3 months ago) Aug 06 2019 compare
2,029 (3 years ago) Nov 20 2016 compare
6,650 2.0.1 (20 days ago) Sep 10 2012 compare
2,907 v2.1.1 (7 months ago) Jul 17 2018 compare
795 0.7.1 (5 months ago) Jul 25 2009 compare
1,308 3.0.0 (1 year, 10 months ago) Dec 27 2011 compare
153 2.2.4 (3 years ago) Dec 22 2019 compare
1,337 v3.2.0 (3 months ago) Dec 27 2021 compare
506 3.0.0 (3 months ago) May 04 2020 compare
1,328 v0.7.2 (7 months ago) Mar 16 2013 compare
200 1.0.0-beta8.4 (1 year, 17 days ago) Apr 18 2019 compare
311 v1.9.3 (10 days ago) Apr 18 2022 compare
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