node-crawler is a popular web scraping library for Node.js that allows you to easily navigate and extract data from websites. It has a simple API and supports concurrency, making it efficient for scraping large numbers of pages.
- Server-side DOM & automatic jQuery insertion with Cheerio (default) or JSDOM,
- Configurable pool size and retries,
- Control rate limit,
- Priority queue of requests,
- forceUTF8 mode to let crawler deal for you with charset detection and conversion,
- Compatible with 4.x or newer version.
- Http2 support
- Proxy support
php-spider is a PHP library for web crawling and scraping. It allows developers to easily navigate and extract data from websites by simulating a web browser's behavior.
- supports two traversal algorithms: breadth-first and depth-first
- supports crawl depth limiting, queue size limiting and max downloads limiting
- supports adding custom URI discovery logic, based on XPath, CSS selectors, or plain old PHP
- comes with a useful set of URI filters, such as Domain limiting
- supports custom URI filters, both prefetch (URI) and postfetch (Resource content)
- supports custom request handling logic
- supports Basic, Digest and NTLM HTTP authentication. See example.
- comes with a useful set of persistence handlers (memory, file)
- supports custom persistence handlers
- collects statistics about the crawl for reporting
- dispatches useful events, allowing developers to add even more custom behavior
- supports a politeness policy
This Spider does not support Javascript.
Example Use
const Crawler = require('crawler');
const c = new Crawler({
maxConnections: 10,
// This will be called for each crawled page
callback: (error, res, done) => {
if (error) {
} else {
const $ = res.$;
// $ is Cheerio by default
//a lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server
// Queue just one URL, with default callback
// Queue a list of URLs
// Queue URLs with custom callbacks & parameters
uri: '',
jQuery: false,
// The global callback won't be called
callback: (error, res, done) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('Grabbed', res.body.length, 'bytes');
// Queue some HTML code directly without grabbing (mostly for tests)
html: '<p>This is a <strong>test</strong></p>'
use Example\StatsHandler;
use VDB\Spider\Discoverer\XPathExpressionDiscoverer;
use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event;
use VDB\Spider\Event\SpiderEvents;
use VDB\Spider\Spider;
// Create Spider
$spider = new Spider('');
// Add a URI discoverer. Without it, the spider does nothing. In this case, we want <a> tags from a certain <div>
$spider->getDiscovererSet()->set(new XPathExpressionDiscoverer("//div[@id='catalogs']//a"));
// Set some sane options for this example. In this case, we only get the first 10 items from the start page.
$spider->getDiscovererSet()->maxDepth = 1;
$spider->getQueueManager()->maxQueueSize = 10;
// Let's add something to enable us to stop the script
function (Event $event) {
echo "\nCrawl aborted by user.\n";
// Add a listener to collect stats to the Spider and the QueueMananger.
// There are more components that dispatch events you can use.
$statsHandler = new StatsHandler();
// Execute crawl
// Build a report
echo "\n ENQUEUED: " . count($statsHandler->getQueued());
echo "\n SKIPPED: " . count($statsHandler->getFiltered());
echo "\n FAILED: " . count($statsHandler->getFailed());
echo "\n PERSISTED: " . count($statsHandler->getPersisted());
// Finally we could do some processing on the downloaded resources
// In this example, we will echo the title of all resources
foreach ($spider->getDownloader()->getPersistenceHandler() as $resource) {
echo "\n - " . $resource->getCrawler()->filterXpath('//title')->text();