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MIT 28 6 6,693
18.9 thousand (month) Sep 10 2012 2.0.2(2 months ago)
1,748 3 8 Apache-2.0
Oct 17 2018 1.0 thousand (month) 0.8.5(2 years ago)

node-crawler is a popular web scraping library for Node.js that allows you to easily navigate and extract data from websites. It has a simple API and supports concurrency, making it efficient for scraping large numbers of pages.


  • Server-side DOM & automatic jQuery insertion with Cheerio (default) or JSDOM,
  • Configurable pool size and retries,
  • Control rate limit,
  • Priority queue of requests,
  • forceUTF8 mode to let crawler deal for you with charset detection and conversion,
  • Compatible with 4.x or newer version.
  • Http2 support
  • Proxy support

Ruia is an async web scraping micro-framework, written with asyncio and aiohttp, aims to make crawling url as convenient as possible.

Ruia is inspired by scrapy however instead of Twisted it's based entirely on asyncio and aiohttp.

It also supports various features like cookies, headers, and proxy, which makes it very useful in dealing with complex web scraping tasks.

Example Use

const Crawler = require('crawler');

const c = new Crawler({
    maxConnections: 10,
    // This will be called for each crawled page
    callback: (error, res, done) => {
        if (error) {
        } else {
            const $ = res.$;
            // $ is Cheerio by default
            //a lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server

// Queue just one URL, with default callback

// Queue a list of URLs

// Queue URLs with custom callbacks & parameters
    uri: '',
    jQuery: false,

    // The global callback won't be called
    callback: (error, res, done) => {
        if (error) {
        } else {
            console.log('Grabbed', res.body.length, 'bytes');

// Queue some HTML code directly without grabbing (mostly for tests)
    html: '<p>This is a <strong>test</strong></p>'
#!/usr/bin/env python
 pip install aiofiles
import aiofiles

from ruia import AttrField, Item, Spider, TextField

class HackerNewsItem(Item):
    target_item = TextField(css_select="tr.athing")
    title = TextField(css_select="a.storylink")
    url = AttrField(css_select="a.storylink", attr="href")

    async def clean_title(self, value):
        return value.strip()

class HackerNewsSpider(Spider):
    start_urls = [
    concurrency = 10
    # aiohttp_kwargs = {"proxy": ""}

    async def parse(self, response):
        async for item in HackerNewsItem.get_items(html=await response.text()):
            yield item

    async def process_item(self, item: HackerNewsItem):
        async with"./hacker_news.txt", "a") as f:
            await f.write(str(item.title) + "\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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