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GPL-3.0-or-later 27 2 546
95 (month) May 04 2020 3.0.0(8 months ago)
3,184 1 66 GPL-3.0
Sep 30 2018 1.5 thousand (month) 1.5.1(2 months ago)

PHPScraper is a universal web-util for PHP. The main goal is to get stuff done instead of getting distracted with selectors, preparing & converting data structures, etc. Instead, you can just go to a website and get the relevant information for your project.

PHPScraper is a minimalistic scraper framework that is built on top of other popular scraping tools.


  • Direct access to page basic features like: Meta data, Links, Images, Headings, Content, Keywords etc.
  • File downloading.
  • RSS, Sitemap and other feed processing.
  • CSV, XML and JSON file processing.

ScrapydWeb is a web-based management tool for the Scrapyd service. It is built using the Python Flask framework and allows you to easily manage and monitor your Scrapy spider projects through a web interface.

ScrapydWeb allows you to view the status of your running spiders, view the logs of completed spiders, schedule new spider runs, and manage spider settings and configurations.

ScrapydWeb provides a simple way to manage your scraping tasks and allows you to schedule and run multiple spiders simultaneously. It also provides a user-friendly web interface that makes it easy to view the status of your spiders and monitor their progress.

You can install the package via pip by running pip install scrapydweb and then you can run the package by running scrapydweb command in your command prompt.

It will start a web server that you can access through your web browser at http://localhost:6800/ You will need to have Scrapyd running in order to use ScrapydWeb, Scrapyd is a service for running Scrapy spiders, it allows you to schedule spiders to run at regular intervals and also allows you to run spiders on remote machines.

Example Use

// create scraper object
$web = new \Spekulatius\PHPScraper\PHPScraper;
// go to URL

// elements can be found using XPath:
echo $web->filter("//*[@id='by-id']")->text();   // "Content by ID"

// or pre-defined variables covering basic page data:
$web->links;  // for all links
$web->outline;  // basic page outline
$web->cleanOutlineWithParagraphs;  // basic page outline

Alternatives / Similar

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