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MIT - 2 246
1.0 thousand (month) Feb 05 2023 1.33.0(7 months ago)
52,353 30 667 BSD-3-Clause
Jul 26 2019 1.7 million (month) 2.11.2(5 months ago)

Gracy is an API client library based on httpx that provides an extra stability layer with:

  • Retry logic
  • Logging
  • Connection throttling
  • Tracking/Middleware

In web scraping, Gracy can be a convenient tool for creating scraper based API clients.

Scrapy is an open-source Python library for web scraping. It allows developers to extract structured data from websites using a simple and consistent interface.

Scrapy provides:

  • A built-in way to follow links and extract data from multiple pages (crawling)
  • Handling common web scraping tasks such as logging in, handling cookies, and handling redirects.

Scrapy is built on top of the Twisted networking engine, which provides a non-blocking way to handle multiple requests at the same time, allowing Scrapy to efficiently scrape large websites.

It also comes with a built-in mechanism for handling common web scraping problems, such as:

  • handling HTTP errors
  • handling broken links

Scrapy also provide these features:

  • Support for storing scraped data in various formats, such as CSV, JSON, and XML.
  • Built-in support for selecting and extracting data using XPath or CSS selectors (through parsel).
  • Built-in support for handling common web scraping problems (like deduplication and url filtering).
  • Ability to easily extend its functionality using middlewares.
  • Ability to easily extend output processing using pipelines.



Example Use

# 0. Import
import asyncio
from typing import Awaitable
from gracy import BaseEndpoint, Gracy, GracyConfig, LogEvent, LogLevel

# 1. Define your endpoints
class PokeApiEndpoint(BaseEndpoint):
    GET_POKEMON = "/pokemon/{NAME}" # 👈 Put placeholders as needed

# 2. Define your Graceful API
class GracefulPokeAPI(Gracy[str]):
    class Config:  # type: ignore
        BASE_URL = "" # 👈 Optional BASE_URL
        # 👇 Define settings to apply for every request
        SETTINGS = GracyConfig(
          log_response=LogEvent(LogLevel.INFO, "{URL} took {ELAPSED}"),
            "default": lambda r: r.json()

    async def get_pokemon(self, name: str) -> Awaitable[dict]:
        return await self.get(PokeApiEndpoint.GET_POKEMON, {"NAME": name})

    # Note: since Gracy is based on httpx we can customized the used client with custom headers etc"
    def _create_client(self) -> httpx.AsyncClient:
        client = super()._create_client()
        client.headers = {"User-Agent": f"My Scraper"} 
        return client

pokeapi = GracefulPokeAPI()

async def main():
      pokemon = await pokeapi.get_pokemon("pikachu")


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