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BSD-3-Clause 619 30 54,211
1.4 million (month) Jul 26 2019 2.12.0(3 months ago)
813 2 16 MIT
Jul 25 2009 1.9 thousand (month) 0.7.2(15 days ago)

Scrapy is an open-source Python library for web scraping. It allows developers to extract structured data from websites using a simple and consistent interface.

Scrapy provides:

  • A built-in way to follow links and extract data from multiple pages (crawling)
  • Handling common web scraping tasks such as logging in, handling cookies, and handling redirects.

Scrapy is built on top of the Twisted networking engine, which provides a non-blocking way to handle multiple requests at the same time, allowing Scrapy to efficiently scrape large websites.

It also comes with a built-in mechanism for handling common web scraping problems, such as:

  • handling HTTP errors
  • handling broken links

Scrapy also provide these features:

  • Support for storing scraped data in various formats, such as CSV, JSON, and XML.
  • Built-in support for selecting and extracting data using XPath or CSS selectors (through parsel).
  • Built-in support for handling common web scraping problems (like deduplication and url filtering).
  • Ability to easily extend its functionality using middlewares.
  • Ability to easily extend output processing using pipelines.

Spidr is a Ruby gem that provides a simple and flexible way to spider and scrape websites. It allows you to easily navigate through a website, following links and scraping data as you go. It is built on top of Nokogiri, a popular Ruby gem for parsing and searching HTML and XML documents, and it provides a simple and intuitive API for defining and running web scraping operations.

One of the main features of Spidr is its ability to spider a website, following all the links on a page and visiting all the pages of a website. This allows you to easily and quickly scrape large amounts of data from a website, without having to manually specify which pages to visit.

In addition to its spidering capabilities, Spidr also provides a variety of other features that can simplify the web scraping process. It can automatically filter which links to follow and which pages to visit, it can handle cookies and authentication, and it can automatically store the scraped data in a database or file. It also provides a built-in support for parallelism and queueing to speed up the scraping process.



Example Use

require 'spidr'

Spidr.start_at("") do |spider|
  spider.every_page do |page|
    puts "Visiting: #{page.url}"

    # Extract data from the page using Nokogiri
    doc = Nokogiri::HTML(page.body)
    title = doc.css("title").text
    puts "Title: #{title}"

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