The gofeed library is a robust feed parser that supports parsing both RSS, Atom and JSON feeds. The library provides a universal gofeed.Parser that will parse and convert all feed types into a hybrid gofeed.Feed model.
You also have the option of utilizing the feed specific atom.Parser or rss.Parser or json.Parser parsers which generate atom. Feed , rss.Feed and json.Feed respectively.
Supported feed types:
- RSS 0.90
- Netscape RSS 0.91
- Userland RSS 0.91
- RSS 0.92
- RSS 0.93
- RSS 0.94
- RSS 1.0
- RSS 2.0
- Atom 0.3
- Atom 1.0
- JSON 1.0
- JSON 1.1
Example Use
// parse feed from URL
fp := gofeed.NewParser()
fp.UserAgent = "MyCustomAgent 1.0" // we can modify http client with custom headers etc.
feed, _ := fp.ParseURL("http://feeds.twit.tv/twit.xml")
// parse feed from string
feedData := `<rss version="2.0">
<title>Sample Feed</title>
fp := gofeed.NewParser()
feed, _ := fp.ParseString(feedData)
// or file
file, _ := os.Open("/path/to/a/file.xml")
defer file.Close()
fp := gofeed.NewParser()
feed, _ := fp.Parse(file)