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3,600 6 27 MIT
7.1.2 (9 Jul 2023) Jul 03 2013 168.7 million (month)

parse5 is a Node.js library for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML documents. It is designed to be fast and flexible, and it is commonly used in web scraping and web development projects.

parse5 is used by popular libraries such as Angular, Lit, Cheerio and many more. Unlike Cheerio parse5 is a low level html parsing library that might be useful directly in web scraping without higher level abstraction.

Example Use

const parse5 = require("parse5");

// parse string
const document = parse5.parse('<html><body>Hello World!</body></html>');

// html tree can be traversed as javascript object:
const body = document.childNodes[1];
console.log(body.childNodes[0].value); // "Hello World!"

// and modified
const newElement = parse5.parseFragment('<p>New Element</p>');

Alternatives / Similar

1,082 1.4.1 (a month ago) Feb 09 2011 compare
4,345 9.1.0 (6 months ago) Aug 28 2011 compare
28,045 1.0.0-rc.12 (8 months ago) Oct 08 2011 compare

Other Languages

- 4.12.3 (5 months ago) Jul 26 2019 compare
2,614 5.2.2 (2 months ago) Dec 13 2022 compare
5,416 0.13.0 (2 years ago) Jul 30 2007 compare
1,105 1.1 (4 years ago) Jul 30 2007 compare
287 1.2.0 (1 year, 8 months ago) Apr 14 2012 compare
6,118 1.16.6 (a month ago) Jul 25 2009 compare
1,867 6.0.11 (7 months ago) Jun 15 2007 compare
2,279 2.0.0 (1 year, 6 months ago) Dec 05 2008 compare
1,101 1.9.1 (3 months ago) Jul 26 2019 compare
13,615 0.10.0 (5 years ago) Feb 25 2018 compare
1,052 0.3.21 (4 months ago) Mar 01 2018 compare
219 1.3.6 (1 year, 10 days ago) Apr 20 2015 compare
1,485 1.0.4 (1 year, 10 months ago) Nov 22 2014 compare
1,516 2.9.0 (3 months ago) Jun 01 2013 compare
3,920 v7.1.1 (a month ago) Sep 26 2011 compare
609 1.2.1 (2 years ago) Jun 09 2011 compare
684 Start (6 years ago) Feb 20 2018 compare
13,755 v1.9.2 (2 months ago) Aug 29 2016 compare
710 v1.3.2 (21 days ago) Feb 07 2019 compare
2,146 v1.2.5 (2 years ago) Apr 29 2017 compare
659 (3 months ago) Jun 08 2019 compare
673 0.4.12 (7 months ago) Jun 03 2007 compare
181 1.2.3 (5 months ago) Jul 30 2007 compare
738 1.1 (3 years ago) Dec 28 2012 compare
2,072 v4.4.11 (a month ago) Oct 26 2013 compare
22 0.6.0 (1 year, 2 months ago) Jul 24 2014 compare
153 2.2.4 (3 years ago) Dec 22 2019 compare
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