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MIT 87 4 1,637
32.6 million (month) Dec 11 2011 3.3.1(1 year, 2 months ago)
5,837 8 44 MIT
Jul 25 2009 1.9 million (month) 0.22.0(9 months ago)

needle is an HTTP client library for Node.js that provides a simple, flexible, and powerful API for making HTTP requests. It supports all major HTTP methods and has a clean and easy-to-use interface for handling responses and errors.

HTTParty is a Ruby library that makes it easy to work with HTTP requests and responses. It is built on top of the Ruby standard library's Net::HTTP and provides a simple, easy-to-use interface for making requests and handling responses.

One of the main features of HTTParty is its ability to automatically parse response bodies as JSON, XML, or other formats. This allows developers to easily access the data returned by an API without having to manually parse the response.

Example Use

const needle = require('needle');

// needle supports both Promises and async/await
needle.get('', (err, res) => {
    if (err) {

const response = await needle.get('')

// concurrent requests can be sent using Promise.all
const results = await Promise.all([

// POST requests
const data = { name: 'John Doe' };
await'', data)

// proxy
const options = {
    proxy: ''
await needle.get('', options)

// headers and cookies
const options = {
  headers: {
      'Cookie': 'myCookie=123',
      'X-My-Header': 'myValue'
await needle.get('', options)
require 'httparty'

# get request:
response = HTTParty.get('')
puts response.body
puts response.code
puts response.message
puts response.headers.inspect

# post request
response ='',
  :body => { :title => 'foo', :body => 'bar', :userId => 1 }.to_json,
  :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } )

puts response.body

Alternatives / Similar

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