superagent is an HTTP client library for Node.js that provides a simple, flexible, and powerful API for making HTTP requests. It supports all major HTTP methods, and has a clean and easy-to-use interface for handling responses and errors.
what differentiates superagent from other http clients is its simple declarative API.
Httpful is a simple Http Client library for PHP 7.2+. There is an emphasis of readability, simplicity, and flexibility – basically provide the features and flexibility to get the job done and make those features really easy to use.
- Readable HTTP Method Support (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, PATCH and OPTIONS)
- Custom Headers
- Automatic "Smart" Parsing
- Automatic Payload Serialization
- Basic Auth
- Client Side Certificate Auth
- Request "Templates"
Example Use
const superagent = require('superagent');
// superagent supports both Promises and async/await
.then(res => console.log(res.text))
.catch(err => console.error(err));
const response = superagent.get('')
// post requests:'').send({ name: 'John Doe' })
// setting proxy
// settings headers and proxies
superagent.get('').set('Cookie', 'myCookie=123').set('X-My-Header', 'myValue')
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Httpful\Request;
// make GET request
$response = \Httpful\Request::get("")
echo $response->body;
// make POST request
$data = array('name' => 'Bob', 'age' => 35);
$response = \Httpful\Request::post("")
echo $response->body;
// add headers or cookies
$response = \Httpful\Request::get("")
->addHeader("API-KEY", "mykey")
->addHeader("Cookie", "foo=bar")
echo $response->body;