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MIT 2 2 356
21 (month) Apr 18 2022 v3.2.3(21 days ago)
1,384 2 28 MIT
Dec 27 2021 277 (month) v3.2.0(10 months ago)

This library provides kind of a framework and a lot of ready to use, so-called steps, that you can use as building blocks, to build your own crawlers and scrapers with.

Some features: - Crawler Politeness innocent (respecting robots.txt, throttling,...) - Load URLs using - a (PSR-18) HTTP client (default is of course Guzzle) - or a headless browser (chrome) to get source after Javascript execution - Get absolute links from HTML documents link - Get sitemaps from robots.txt and get all URLs from those sitemaps - Crawl (load) all pages of a website spider - Use cookies (or don't) cookie - Use any HTTP methods (GET, POST,...) and send any headers or body - Iterate over paginated list pages repeat - Extract data from: - HTML and also XML (using CSS selectors or XPath queries) - JSON (using dot notation) - CSV (map columns) - Extract structured data in JSON-LD format from HTML documents - Keep memory usage low by using PHP Generators muscle - Cache HTTP responses during development, so you don't have to load pages again and again after every code change - Get logs about what your crawler is doing (accepts any PSR-3 LoggerInterface)

Roach is a complete web scraping toolkit for PHP. It is heavily inspired by the popular Scrapy package for Python.

Roach allows us to define spiders that crawl and scrape web documents. Roach isn’t just a simple crawler, but includes an entire pipeline to clean, persist and otherwise process extracted data as well.

Just like scrapy, Roach supports: - Middlewares - Item Pipelines - Extendibility through Plugins

It’s your all-in-one resource for web scraping in PHP.

Example Use

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Crwlr\Crawler;

$crawler = new Crawler();
$crawler->get('', ['User-Agent' => '']);

// more links can be followed:

// and current page can be parsed:
$response = $crawler->response();
$title = $crawler->filter('title')->text();
echo $response->getContent();
<div class="lib-example" markdown>


use RoachPHP\Http\Response;
use RoachPHP\Spider\BasicSpider;

class RoachDocsSpider extends BasicSpider
     * @var string[]
    public array $startUrls = [

    public function parse(Response $response): \Generator
        $title = $response->filter('h1')->text();

        $subtitle = $response
            ->filter('main > div:nth-child(2) p:first-of-type')

        yield $this->item([
            'title' => $title,
            'subtitle' => $subtitle,

Alternatives / Similar

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