chompjs can be used in web scrapping for turning JavaScript objects embedded in pages into valid Python dictionaries.
In web scraping this is particularly useful for parsing Javascript variables like:
import chompjs
js = """
var myObj = {
myMethod: function(params) {
// ...
myValue: 100
chompjs.parse_js_object(js, json_params={'strict': False})
{'myMethod': 'function(params) {\n // ...\n }', 'myValue': 100}
In practice this can be used to extract hidden JSON data like data from <script id=__NEXT_DATA__>
from nextjs (and similar) websites. Unlike json.loads
command chompjs can ingest json documents that contain
javascript natives like functions making it a super easy way to scrape hidden web data objects.
untangle is a simple library for parsing XML documents in Python. It allows you to access data in an XML file as if it were a Python object, making it easy to work with the data in your code.
To use untangle, you first need to install it via pip by running pip install untangle``.
Once it is installed, you can use the
untangle.parse()`` function to parse an XML file and create a Python object.
For example:
import untangle
obj = untangle.parse("example.xml")
You can also pass a file-like object or a string containing XML data to the untangle.parse() function. Once you have an untangle object, you can access elements in the XML document using dot notation.
You can also access the attributes of an element by using attrib property, eg. `obj.root.element['attrib_name']`` untangle also supports xpath-like syntax to access the elements, obj.root.xpath("path/to/element")
It also supports iteration over the elements using obj.root.element.children
for child in obj.root.element.children:
Example Use
# basic use
import chompjs
js = """
var myObj = {
myMethod: function(params) {
// ...
myValue: 100
chompjs.parse_js_object(js, json_params={'strict': False})
{'myMethod': 'function(params) {\n // ...\n }', 'myValue': 100}
# example how to use with hidden data parsing:
import httpx
import chompjs
from parsel import Selector
response = httpx.get("")
hidden_script = Selector(response.text).css("script#__NEXT_DATA__::text").get()
data = chompjs.parse_js_object(hidden_script)
import untangle
obj = untangle.parse("example.xml")
# access attributes:
# use xpath:
element = obj.root.xpath("path/to/element")