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1.1 (9 Oct 2020) Dec 28 2012 6.6 thousand (month)

gazpacho is a Python library for scraping web pages. It is designed to make it easy to extract information from a web page by providing a simple and intuitive API for working with the page's structure.

gazpacho uses the requests library to download the page and the lxml library to parse the HTML or XML code. It provides a way to search for elements in the page using CSS selectors, similar to BeautifulSoup.

To use gazpacho, you first need to install it via pip by running pip install gazpacho. Once it is installed, you can use the gazpacho.get() function to download a web page and create a gazpacho object. For example:

from gazpacho import get, Soup

url = ""
html = get(url)
soup = Soup(html)
You can also use gazpacho.get() with file-like objects, bytes or file paths.

Once you have a gazpacho object, you can use the find() and find_all() methods to search for elements in the page using CSS selectors, similar to BeautifulSoup.

gazpacho also supports searching using the select() method, which returns the first matching element, and the select_all() method, which returns all matching elements.

Example Use

from gazpacho import get, Soup

# gazpacho can retrieve web pages
url = ""
html = get(url)
# and parse them:
soup = Soup(html)

# search for elements like beautifulsoup:
body = soup.find("div", {"class":"item"})

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Other Languages

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