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Apache-2.0 52 7 5,716
58.1 thousand (month) Aug 06 2019 v0.18.0(1 year, 10 months ago)
554 2 27 GPL-3.0-or-later
May 04 2020 113 (month) 3.0.0(10 months ago)

Ferret is a web scraping system. It aims to simplify data extraction from the web for UI testing, machine learning, analytics and more. ferret allows users to focus on the data. It abstracts away the technical details and complexity of underlying technologies using its own declarative language. It is extremely portable, extensible, and fast.


  • Declarative language
  • Support of both static and dynamic web pages
  • Embeddable
  • Extensible

Ferret is always implemented in Python through pyfer

PHPScraper is a universal web-util for PHP. The main goal is to get stuff done instead of getting distracted with selectors, preparing & converting data structures, etc. Instead, you can just go to a website and get the relevant information for your project.

PHPScraper is a minimalistic scraper framework that is built on top of other popular scraping tools.


  • Direct access to page basic features like: Meta data, Links, Images, Headings, Content, Keywords etc.
  • File downloading.
  • RSS, Sitemap and other feed processing.
  • CSV, XML and JSON file processing.

Example Use

// Example scraper for Google in Ferret:
LET google = DOCUMENT("", {
    driver: "cdp",
    userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.87 Safari/537.36"

HOVER(google, 'input[name="q"]')
INPUT(google, 'input[name="q"]', @criteria, 30)
CLICK(google, 'input[name="btnK"]')

WAITFOR EVENT "navigation" IN google

WAIT_ELEMENT(google, "#res")

LET results = ELEMENTS(google, X("//*[text() = 'Search Results']/following-sibling::*/*"))

FOR el IN results
    RETURN {
        title: INNER_TEXT(el, 'h3')?,
        description: INNER_TEXT(el, X("//em/parent::*")),
        url: ELEMENT(el, 'a')?.attributes.href
// create scraper object
$web = new \Spekulatius\PHPScraper\PHPScraper;
// go to URL

// elements can be found using XPath:
echo $web->filter("//*[@id='by-id']")->text();   // "Content by ID"

// or pre-defined variables covering basic page data:
$web->links;  // for all links
$web->outline;  // basic page outline
$web->cleanOutlineWithParagraphs;  // basic page outline

Alternatives / Similar

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