Resty is an HTTP and REST client library for Go. It is designed to be simple and easy to use, while still providing a lot of powerful features. One of the main benefits of using Resty is that it allows you to make HTTP requests with minimal boilerplate code, while still providing a lot of flexibility and control over the requests.
One of the key features of Resty is its use of chaining. This allows you to chain together multiple methods to build up a request, making the code more readable and easy to understand. For example, you can chain together the R().SetHeader("Accept", "application/json") method to set the Accept header and R().SetQueryParam("param1", "value1") to add a query parameter to the request.
Resty also provides a lot of convenience functions for making common types of requests, such as Get, Post, Put, and Delete. This can be useful if you need to make a simple request quickly and don't want to spend a lot of time configuring the request. Additionally, Resty also provides a way to set a timeout for the request, in case the server takes too long to respond.
Resty also supports HTTP/2 and advanced features like multipart file upload, request and response middlewares, request hooks, and many others.
Overall, Resty is a good choice if you're looking for a simple and easy-to-use HTTP client library for Go. It's a good fit for projects that don't require a lot of customization and need a quick way to make HTTP requests.
Symfony-http is a PHP library that provides a set of classes for working with HTTP requests and responses. It is part of the Symfony CMS framework, but can also be used independently.
Example Use
package main
// establish session client
client := resty.New()
// set proxy for the session
// set retries
// Set retry count to non zero to enable retries
// You can override initial retry wait time.
// Default is 100 milliseconds.
SetRetryWaitTime(5 * time.Second).
// MaxWaitTime can be overridden as well.
// Default is 2 seconds.
SetRetryMaxWaitTime(20 * time.Second).
// SetRetryAfter sets callback to calculate wait time between retries.
// Default (nil) implies exponential backoff with jitter
SetRetryAfter(func(client *resty.Client, resp *resty.Response) (time.Duration, error) {
return 0, errors.New("quota exceeded")
// Make GET request
resp, err := client.R().
// we can set query
"query": "foo",
// and headers
SetHeader("Accept", "application/json").
// Make Post request
resp, err := client.R().
// JSON data
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
SetBody(`{"username":"testuser", "password":"testpass"}`).
// or Form Data
"username": "jeeva",
"password": "mypass",
// resty also support request and response middlewares
// which allow easy modification of outgoing requests and incoming responses
client.OnBeforeRequest(func(c *resty.Client, req *resty.Request) error {
// Now you have access to Client and current Request object
// manipulate it as per your need
return nil // if its success otherwise return error
// Registering Response Middleware
client.OnAfterResponse(func(c *resty.Client, resp *resty.Response) error {
// Now you have access to Client and current Response object
// manipulate it as per your need
return nil // if its success otherwise return error
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient;
// create a client object:
$client = HttpClient::create();
// sent GET request
$response = $client->request('GET', '');
// or POST request
$response = $client->request('POST', '', [
'headers' => [
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'json' => [
'name' => 'John Doe',
'email' => '',
// print response data:
$statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
$content = $response->getContent();
echo "Status Code: $statusCode\n";
echo "Content: $content\n";