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MIT - 8 3,954
154.7 thousand (month) Sep 26 2011 v7.1.5(30 days ago)
22 3 1 MIT
Jul 24 2014 976 (month) 0.6.0(1 year, 5 months ago)

DOMCrawler library is part of the Symfony Components project and provides an easy way to traverse and manipulate HTML and XML documents using the Document Object Model (DOM) in PHP.

DOMcrawler supports both CSS selectors and XPath for HTML document parsing and is one the most popular HTML parsing tools used in web scraping with PHP.

Chopper is a tool to extract elements from HTML by preserving ancestors and CSS rules.

Compared to other HTML parsers Chopper is designed to retain original HTML tree but eliminate elements that do not match parsing rules. Meaning, we can parse HTML elements and keep thei structure for machine learning or other tasks where data structure is needed as well as the data value.

Example Use

use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;

$html = '<html><body><h1 class="title">Hello World</h1></body></html>';
$crawler = new Crawler($html);

// Find all elements using CSS selectors
$elements = $crawler->filter('.title')i;
// or XPath
$elements = $crawler->filterXPath('//h1');

// Print the text content of the elements
foreach ($elements as $element) {
    echo $element->textContent;
HTML = """
    <div id="header"></div>
    <div id="main">
      <div class="iwantthis">
        <a href="/nope">Do not want</a>
    <div id="footer"></div>

CSS = """
div { border: 1px solid black; }
div#main { color: blue; }
div.iwantthis { background-color: red; }
a { color: green; }
div#footer { border-top: 2px solid red; }

extractor = Extractor.keep('//div[@class="iwantthis"]').discard('//a')
html, css = extractor.extract(HTML, CSS)

# will result in:
    <div id="main">
      <div class="iwantthis">

div{border:1px solid black;}

Alternatives / Similar

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