Httpful is a simple Http Client library for PHP 7.2+. There is an emphasis of readability, simplicity, and flexibility – basically provide the features and flexibility to get the job done and make those features really easy to use.
- Readable HTTP Method Support (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, PATCH and OPTIONS)
- Custom Headers
- Automatic "Smart" Parsing
- Automatic Payload Serialization
- Basic Auth
- Client Side Certificate Auth
- Request "Templates"
Nestful is a Ruby library for making HTTP requests. It is designed to provide a simple, easy-to-use interface for making requests and handling responses. Nestful is often used for making requests to RESTful APIs.
One of the main features of Nestful is its ability to automatically parse JSON and XML responses and return them as Ruby objects. This allows developers to easily access the data returned by an API without having to manually parse the response.
Netful is aimed at interacting with rest APIs and provides a convenient interface (see example below)
Example Use
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Httpful\Request;
// make GET request
$response = \Httpful\Request::get("")
echo $response->body;
// make POST request
$data = array('name' => 'Bob', 'age' => 35);
$response = \Httpful\Request::post("")
echo $response->body;
// add headers or cookies
$response = \Httpful\Request::get("")
->addHeader("API-KEY", "mykey")
->addHeader("Cookie", "foo=bar")
echo $response->body;
require 'nestful'
# GET request
response = Nestful.get('')
puts response.body
puts response.code
puts response.headers
# POST request
response =
:format => :json, :payload => { :title => 'foo', :body => 'bar', :userId => 1 }
puts response.body
# establish interface to a specific API
class Charge < Nestful::Resource
endpoint ''
options :auth_type => :bearer, :password => 'sk_bar'
def self.all
def self.find(id)
def refund
Charge.all #=> []