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beautifulsoup is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files. It creates parse trees from the source code that can be used to extract data from HTML, which is useful for web scraping. With beautifulsoup, you can search, navigate, and modify the parse tree. It sits atop popular Python parsers like lxml and html5lib, allowing users to try out different parsing strategies or trade speed for flexibility.

beautifulsoup has a number of useful methods and attributes that can be used to extract and manipulate data from an HTML or XML document. Some of the key features include:

  • Searching the parse tree
    You can search the parse tree using the various search methods that beautifulsoup provides, such as find(), find_all(), and select(). These methods take various arguments to search for specific tags, attributes, and text, and return a list of matching elements.
  • Navigating the parse tree
    You can navigate the parse tree using the various navigation methods that beautifulsoup provides, such as next_sibling, previous_sibling, next_element, previous_element, parent, and children. These methods allow you to move up, down, and around the parse tree.
  • Modifying the parse tree
    You can modify the parse tree using the various modification methods that beautifulsoup provides, such as append(), extend(), insert(), insert_before(), and insert_after(). These methods allow you to add new elements to the parse tree, or to change the position of existing elements.
  • Accessing tag attributes
    You can access the attributes of a tag using the attrs property. This property returns a dictionary of the tag's attributes and their values.
  • Accessing tag text
    You can access the text within a tag using the string property. This property returns the text as a string, with any leading or trailing whitespace removed.

With the above feature one can easily extract data out of HTML or XML files. It is widely used in web scraping and other data extraction projects.

It also has features for parsing XML files, special methods for dealing with HTML forms, pretty printing HTML and a few other functionalities.

html5-parser is a Python library for parsing HTML and XML documents.

A fast implementation of the HTML 5 parsing spec for Python. Parsing is done in C using a variant of the gumbo parser. The gumbo parse tree is then transformed into an lxml tree, also in C, yielding parse times that can be a thirtieth of the html5lib parse times. That is a speedup of 30x. This differs, for instance, from the gumbo python bindings, where the initial parsing is done in C but the transformation into the final tree is done in python.

It is built on top of the popular lxml library and provides a simple and intuitive API for working with the document's structure.

html5-parser uses the HTML5 parsing algorithm, which is more lenient and forgiving than the traditional XML-based parsing algorithm. This means that it can parse HTML documents with malformed or missing tags and still produce a usable parse tree.

To use html5-parser, you first need to install it via pip by running pip install html5-parser. Once it is installed, you can use the html5_parser.parse() function to parse an HTML document and create a parse tree. For example:

from html5_parser import parse

html_string = "<html><body>Hello, World!</body></html>"
root = parse(html_string)
print(root.tag) # html
You can also use `html5_parser.parse()`` with file-like objects, bytes or file paths.

Once you have a parse tree, you can use the find() and findall() methods to search for elements in the document similar to BeautifulSoup.

html5-parser also supports searching using xpath, similar to lxml.



Example Use

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# this is our HTML page:
html = """
  <title>Hello World!</title>
  <div id="product">
    <h1>Product Title</h1>
    <p>paragraph 1</p>
    <span class="price">$10</span>

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

# we can iterate using dot notation:
"Hello World"

# or use find method to recursively find matching elements:

# the selected elements can be modified in place:
soup.find(class_="price").string = "$20"

# beautifulsoup also supports CSS selectors:
soup.select_one("#product .price").text

# bs4 also contains various utility functions like HTML formatting
   Hello World!
  <div id="product">
    Product Title
    paragraph 1
   <span class="price">
from html5_parser import parse

html_string = "<html><body>Hello, World!</body></html>"
root = parse(html_string)
print(root.tag) # html
body = root.find("body")
# or find all
print(body.text) # "Hello, World!"
for el in root.findall("p"):
    print(el.text) # "Hello

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