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131.6 thousand (month) Dec 28 2012 24.9.1(4 months ago)
5,785 7 45 MIT
Dec 19 2009 5.0 million (month) 2.12.2(2 months ago)

treq is a Python library for making HTTP requests that provides a simple, convenient API for interacting with web services. It is inspired byt the popular requests library, but powered by Twisted asynchronous engine which allows promise based concurrency.

treq provides a simple, high-level API for making HTTP requests, including methods for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. It also allows for easy handling of JSON data, automatic decompression of gzipped responses, and connection pooling.

treq is a lightweight library and it's easy to use, it's a good choice for small to medium-sized projects where ease of use is more important than performance.

In web scraping treq isn't commonly used as it doesn't support HTTP2 but it's the only Twisted based HTTP client. treq is also based on callback/errback promises (like Scrapy) which can be easier to understand and maintain compared to asyncio's corountines.

Faraday is a Ruby gem that provides a simple and flexible interface for making HTTP requests. It allows you to create a Faraday connection object, which you can use to send requests and receive responses.

Faraday abstracts away the details of the underlying HTTP client library, so you can use it with different libraries such as Net::HTTP, HTTPClient, typhoeus and others.

Since Faraday can adapt many other HTTP clients it's very popular choice in web scraping.



Example Use

from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.task import react
from twisted.internet.defer import ensureDeferred
import treq

# treq can be used with twisted's reactor with callbacks
response_deferred = treq.get(
# or POST
response_deferred =
    json={"key": "value"},  # JSON
    data={"key": "value"},  # Form Data

# add callback or errback
def handle_response(response):
    response.text().addCallback(lambda body: print(body))
def handle_error(failure):
# this callback will be called when request completes:
# this errback will be called if request fails
# this will be called if request completes or fails:
response_deferred.addBoth(lambda _: reactor.stop())  # close twisted once finished

if __name__ == '__main__':

#Note that treq can also be used with async/await:
async def main():
    # content reads response data and get sends a get request:
    print(await treq.content(await treq.get("")))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    react(lambda reactor: ensureDeferred(main()))
<div class="lib-example" markdown>

# GET requests
response = Faraday.get('')
put response.status
put response.headers
put response.body

# or use a persistent client session:
conn =
  url: '',
  params: {param: '1'},
  headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}

# POST requests
response ='/post') do |req|
  req.params['limit'] = 100
  req.body = {query: 'chunky bacon'}.to_json

Alternatives / Similar

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