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MIT 42 7 5,729
4.7 million (month) Dec 19 2009 2.12.0(27 days ago)
702 4 96 ruby
Jul 25 2009 4.0 million (month) 2.8.3(7 years ago)

Faraday is a Ruby gem that provides a simple and flexible interface for making HTTP requests. It allows you to create a Faraday connection object, which you can use to send requests and receive responses.

Faraday abstracts away the details of the underlying HTTP client library, so you can use it with different libraries such as Net::HTTP, HTTPClient, typhoeus and others.

Since Faraday can adapt many other HTTP clients it's very popular choice in web scraping.

HTTPClient is a Ruby gem that provides a simple and flexible interface for making HTTP requests. It's a full-featured HTTP client library with support for cookies, redirects, proxy, and more. It's built on top of the libwww-perl library, which is a widely-used, robust and well-documented library.


  • methods like GET/HEAD/POST/* via HTTP/1.1.
  • HTTPS(SSL), Cookies, proxy, authentication(Digest, NTLM, Basic), etc.
  • asynchronous HTTP request, streaming HTTP request.
  • debug mode CLI.
  • by contrast with net/http in standard distribution;
  • Cookies support
  • MT-safe
  • streaming POST (POST with File/IO)
  • Digest auth
  • Negotiate/NTLM auth for WWW-Authenticate (requires net/ntlm module; rubyntlm gem)
  • NTLM auth for Proxy-Authenticate (requires 'win32/sspi' module; rubysspi gem)
  • extensible with filter interface
  • you don't have to care HTTP/1.1 persistent connection (httpclient cares instead of you)

Example Use

# GET requests
response = Faraday.get('')
put response.status
put response.headers
put response.body

# or use a persistent client session:
conn =
  url: '',
  params: {param: '1'},
  headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}

# POST requests
response ='/post') do |req|
  req.params['limit'] = 100
  req.body = {query: 'chunky bacon'}.to_json
require 'httpclient'

client =
# GET requests
response = client.get("")
puts response.content

# POST requests
data = { name: "value" }
response ="", data)
puts response.content

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