Got is a lightweight and powerful HTTP client for Node.js. It is built on top of the http and https modules and provides a simple, consistent API for making HTTP requests.
Got is one of the most feature-rich http clients in NodeJS ecosystem offering http2, proxy and asynchronous support making it ideal for web scraping.
Got also supports many specific domain integrations like AWS, plugins for various public APIs like github.
Note that Got has some inconsistent behaviors when it comes to web scraping use.
For example, it normalizes http headers
which is undesired functionality in scraping and should be disabled.
em-http-request is a Ruby gem for making asynchronous HTTP requests using EventMachine. It allows you to perform multiple requests simultaneously and handle the responses as they come in, rather than waiting for each request to complete before making the next one.
In short it supports: - Asynchronous HTTP API for single & parallel request execution - Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining support - Auto-follow 3xx redirects with max depth - Automatic gzip & deflate decoding - Streaming response processing - Streaming file uploads - HTTP proxy and SOCKS5 support - Basic Auth & OAuth - Connection-level & global middleware support - HTTP parser via http_parser.rb - Works wherever EventMachine runs: Rubinius, JRuby, MRI
Example Use
const got = require('got');
// GET requests are default and can be made calling the module as is:
const response = await got('');
// POST requests can send
const response = await'', {
json: { name: 'John Doe' },
// handling cookies
import {CookieJar} from 'tough-cookie';
const cookieJar = new CookieJar();
await cookieJar.setCookie('foo=bar', '');
await got('', {cookieJar});
// using proxy
import got from 'got';
import {HttpsProxyAgent} from 'hpagent';
await got('', {
agent: {
https: new HttpsProxyAgent({
keepAlive: true,
keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
maxSockets: 256,
maxFreeSockets: 256,
scheduling: 'lifo',
proxy: 'https://localhost:8080'
}); {
http ='').get :query => {'keyname' => 'value'}
# add callback for errors:
http.errback { p 'Uh oh'; EM.stop }
# add callback for successful requests
http.callback {
p http.response_header.status
p http.response_header
p http.response