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MIT 68 6 2,086
4.8 thousand (month) Oct 26 2013 v4.4.12(2 months ago)
1,105 1 20 MIT
Mar 01 2018 2.3 million (month) 0.3.21(7 months ago)

PHP library to get information from any web page (using oembed, opengraph, twitter-cards, scrapping the html, etc). It's compatible with any web service (youtube, vimeo, flickr, instagram, etc) and has adapters to some sites like (, github, facebook, etc).

selectolax is a fast and lightweight library for parsing HTML and XML documents in Python. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for the popular BeautifulSoup library, with significantly faster performance.

selectolax uses a Cython-based parser to quickly parse and navigate through HTML and XML documents. It provides a simple and intuitive API for working with the document's structure, similar to BeautifulSoup.

To use selectolax, you first need to install it via pip by running pip install selectolax``. Once it is installed, you can use theselectolax.html.fromstring()function to parse an HTML document and create a selectolax object. For example:

from selectolax.parser import HTMLParser

html_string = "<html><body>Hello, World!</body></html>"
root = HTMLParser(html_string).root
print(root.tag) # html
You can also useselectolax.html.fromstring()with file-like objects, bytes or file paths, as well asselectolax.xml.fromstring()`` for parsing XML documents.

Once you have a selectolax object, you can use the select() method to search for elements in the document using CSS selectors, similar to BeautifulSoup. For example:

body ="body")[0]
print(body.text()) # "Hello, World!"

Like BeautifulSoups find and find_all methods selectolax also supports searching using the search()`` method, which returns the first matching element, and thesearch_all()`` method, which returns all matching elements.

Example Use

use Embed\Embed;

$embed = new Embed();

//Load any url:
$info = $embed->get('');

//Get content info

$info->title; //The page title
$info->description; //The page description
$info->url; //The canonical url
$info->keywords; //The page keywords

$info->image; //The thumbnail or main image

$info->code->html; //The code to embed the image, video, etc
$info->code->width; //The exact width of the embed code (if exists)
$info->code->height; //The exact height of the embed code (if exists)
$info->code->ratio; //The aspect ratio (width/height)

$info->authorName; //The resource author
$info->authorUrl; //The author url

$info->cms; //The cms used
$info->language; //The language of the page
$info->languages; //The alternative languages

$info->providerName; //The provider name of the page (Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
$info->providerUrl; //The provider url
$info->icon; //The big icon of the site
$info->favicon; //The favicon of the site (an .ico file or a png with up to 32x32px)

$info->publishedTime; //The published time of the resource
$info->license; //The license url of the resource
$info->feeds; //The RSS/Atom feeds
from selectolax.parser import HTMLParser

html_string = "<html><body>Hello, World!</body></html>"
root = HTMLParser(html_string).root
print(root.tag) # html

# use css selectors:
body ="body")[0]
print(body.text()) # "Hello, World!"

# find first matching element:
body ="body")
print(body.text()) # "Hello, World!"

# or all matching elements:
html_string = "<html><body><p>paragraph1</p><p>paragraph2</p></body></html>"
root = HTMLParser(html_string).root
for el in root.search_all("p"):
# will print:
# paragraph 1
# paragraph 2

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