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MIT 684 14 105,319
229.7 million (month) Aug 29 2014 1.7.7(22 days ago)
156 1 3 MIT
Dec 22 2019 249 (month) 2.2.4(3 years ago)

axios is a popular JavaScript library that allows you to make HTTP requests from a Node.js environment. It is a promise-based library that works in both the browser and Node.js. It is similar to the Fetch API, but with a more powerful feature set and better browser compatibility.

One of the main benefits of using axios is that it automatically transforms the response data into a JSON object, making it easy to work with.

Axios is known for user-friendly API and support for asynchronous async/await syntax making it very accessible in web scraping.

ralger is a small web scraping framework for R based on rvest and xml2.

It's goal to simplify basic web scraping and it provides a convenient and easy to use API.

It offers functions for retrieving pages, parsing HTML using CSS selectors, automatic table parsing and auto link, title, image and paragraph extraction.

Example Use

// axios can be used with promises:
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {

// or async await syntax:
var resp = await axios.get('');

// to make requests concurrently Promise.all function can be used:
const results = await Promise.all([

// axios also supports other type of requests like POST and even automatically serialize them:
await'', {'query': 'hello world'});
// or formdata
const data = {name: 'John Doe', email: ''};

        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

// default values like headers can be configured globally
axios.defaults.headers.common['User-Agent'] = '';
// or for session instance:
const instance = axios.create({
  headers: {"User-Agent": ""},

url <- ""

# retrieve HTML and select elements using CSS selectors:
best_uni <- scrap(link = url, node = "a span", clean = TRUE)
head(best_uni, 5)
#>  [1] "Harvard University"
#>  [2] "Stanford University"
#>  [3] "University of Cambridge"
#>  [4] "Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)"
#>  [5] "University of California, Berkeley"

# ralger can also parse HTML attributes
attributes <- attribute_scrap(
  link = "",
  node = "a", # the a tag
  attr = "class" # getting the class attribute

head(attributes, 10) # NA values are a tags without a class attribute
#>  [1] "navbar-brand logo" "nav-link"          NA
#>  [4] NA                  NA                  "nav-link"
#>  [7] NA                  "nav-link"          NA
#> [10] NA

# ralger can automatically scrape tables:
data <- table_scrap(link ="")

#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>    Rank Title                                      `Lifetime Gross`  Year
#>   <int> <chr>                                      <chr>            <int>
#> 1     1 Avatar                                     $2,847,397,339    2009
#> 2     2 Avengers: Endgame                          $2,797,501,328    2019
#> 3     3 Titanic                                    $2,201,647,264    1997
#> 4     4 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens $2,069,521,700    2015
#> 5     5 Avengers: Infinity War                     $2,048,359,754    2018
#> 6     6 Spider-Man: No Way Home                    $1,901,216,740    2021

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